pantson.Morph v1.0

Morphs from image to another in realtime.

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- Initial version.

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  pantson.morph: Functions Types Modinfo  


Functions Summary

CreateMorph Create a new morph type.
LoadMorph Load a morph file.
MorphImages Generates an image that is [index] steps into the morph from 2 images. Handle moves with image.
MorphPixmaps Generates a pixmap that is [index] steps into the morph of 2 pixmaps.
SaveMorph Save a morph file.

Types Summary

tmorph The Morph type.


Function CreateMorph:tmorph(w:Int,h:Int)
DescriptionCreate a new morph type.

Function LoadMorph:tmorph(file:String)
DescriptionLoad a morph file.

Function MorphImages:Timage(i1:Timage,m1:tmorph,i2:Timage,m2:tmorph,steps:Int,index:Int,frame1:Int=0,frame2:Int=0)
DescriptionGenerates an image that is [index] steps into the morph from 2 images. Handle moves with image.

Function MorphPixmaps:TPixmap(p1:TPixmap,m1:tmorph,p2:TPixmap,m2:tmorph,steps:Int,index:Int)
DescriptionGenerates a pixmap that is [index] steps into the morph of 2 pixmaps.

Function SaveMorph:Int(m:tmorph,file:String)
DescriptionSave a morph file.


Type tmorph
DescriptionThe Morph type.
Fields Summary
h , version , w , x , y
Methods Summary
load Load a morph file.
save save a morph file.
Field h:Int
DescriptionHeight of morph grid.
Field version:Int
Descriptionversion of morph file.
Field w:Int
DescriptionWidth of morph grid.
Field x:Float[]
DescriptionArray of x co-ords for grid.
Field y:Float[]
DescriptionArray of y co-ords for grid.
Method load:Int(file:String)
DescriptionLoad a morph file.
Method save:Int(file:String)
Descriptionsave a morph file.

Module Information

AuthorRichard Hanson